Monday, March 18, 2013

In Doylestown, March Comes in like a Lion and Goes out like a…Lion?

Friends in the Doylestown area: you've probably noticed that it's taking longer than usual to hear tell of this "lamb" that March is supposed to turn into. We've had a few warm days here and there, but more than halfway through the month, temps are still hovering in the 30's and 40's. This time last year, we were already seeing 50's and 60's for days on end.

Not to mention, there will be moisture.

There have been quite a few storm systems making their way through the northeast, so any warmth we feel for the time being most likely won't be permanent. Don't worry, warm weather lovers, patience is a virtue and the thermometers will be rising soon. For now, though, revel in the few interspersed days that allow you to go without heat AND A/C to save you money and get the fresh air flowing before allergy season flares up. These money saving days are what make the early spring season one of our favorites.

And you know what they say: when life gives you lemons, take the opportunity to make sure your HVAC unit is up-to-date! Warmer weather is closing in and before you know it, you'll be switching the thermostat from 'heat' to 'cool.' It's during these transition periods that it's most important to call your local Doylestown heating and cooling expert to perform some routine maintenance and to make sure your unit is performing at its maximum potential. That is, after all, the best way to make sure the unit is efficient (read: cheaper) and safer for the season to come.

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